Dear Young Will,
If you could have done anything different with your life, would you have?
Regrets, I’ve had a few
Dear Regrets,
Thou poseth a querie for the ages. For when man doth look back on his former dayes, ‘tis a strong man indeed who hath no regrets. As for your Will, there may be suche moments as give me pause, yet I canst not dwelle on them for long. Such as we are made of, such we be.
Eternally Yours,
Dear Young Will,
One of my friends is really into LARP-ing. How can he ever hope to find a girlfriend?
The Errant Knight’s Friend
Dear Errant Knight’s Friend,
Forgive your Will, as he didst have to inquire what thou meanest when thou doth write of LARP-nyge. I didst finde ye moderns do engage in the tournaments, commedia dell’arte, and make-believe. Your Will is most confus’d that the ladies wouldst not rewarde suche trials a man woulde undertake to winne his lady’s favour. Your Will doth believe a friend should bear his friend’s infirmities; mayhap thou canst aide him to woo a lady who doth also LARP? I tell thee, a buxom maide in the fashion of Will’s daye is a fair maide indeed. ;)
Eternally Yours,
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